Relaxed Breathing, it's easier than you think..
When in an anxious situation or frame of mind our breathing can become short and shallow in nature, sometimes we even find ourselves unconsciously trying to take in too much air too fast; this ...
Would you speak kindly to this child?
It's really not uncommon at all for me to see clients who are feeling anxious and a bit overwhelmed with life in general. They may have begun to feel they are alone in a world where others seem&nbs...
Business Coaching
Business coaching: Sometimes like a snowball rolling down a hill, therapy gains it's own momentum.
Recently I had a call from a client who wanted advice about sending a couple of his employe...
Help With Exam Fears
Dealing with Exam and Test Fears
I often see clients who are experiencing exam nerves and I guess a small amount of anxiety before an important exam is both natural and understandable, we often do...
Simon Cowell Being Hypnotised By A Dog?
Simon Cowell And That Hypnotic Canine..
I was asked by BBC Radio Kent to comment about the recent Britain's Got Talent show with Simon Cowell being hypnotised by a dog. Sadly I was unable to...
Dealing with Fears and Phobias
I regularly see people suffering fears and phobias, many of them have suffered for years. It is a normal and necessary human reaction to be afraid or cautious of some things. However in the case of...
Now you can really relax
Now you can really relax
Hypnosis and Relaxation
One of the nicest aspects of hypnosis when used during hypnotherapy, is the wonderful relaxation people feel. Often people come to see me just to h...
No Time for IBS on Wedding Day
No Time For Tummy Problems On A Wonderful Wedding Day!
Today I received this lovely email from a former client, she had been suffering dreadfully with Irritable Bowel Syndrome for many years.
We Used To Have A Good Relationship
Whether single or in a relationship the trials and tribulations we all face are not uncommon, but they can seem easier to deal with if working with a person who is close to us, who understands...