When unexpected things happen some anxiety is completely understandable and in many cases it is necessary because it provokes action, however sadly generalised anxiety recording rates increased in both genders aged 18–24 between 2014 and 2018 and continue to rise.
In the grips of anxiety peoples work patterns may begin to suffer and as a result people may experience increasing money worries. Drinking more than safe levels of alcohol or eating more may happen in the mistaken belief that it helps to relieve the anxiety and stress they are feeling.
But imagine feeling a similar level of worry and fear even when there seems little to warrant it.
Anxiety is no fun, and it's one of the most debilitating and difficult things for people to deal with, but help is available. It is simple to learn coping strategies that will give you the ability to help yourself. Understanding anxiety and what triggers it is also important and it perhaps here that the improvement can begin.
Most important of all though is not to put up with anxiety, get yourself the help you need and things will begin to feel better. Contact me if you need help.
It is also vital to understand my office is a confidential, safe and relaxing place to visit, but in some cases I also offer appointments online.

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