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Hypnotherapy Session Prices

Can I work with you online as well as face to face?Yes of course! 

As well as seeing people in my busy physical practices in Kent, for many years I have also been working online too, not only from all over Kent but across the UK and world wide. Distance really is no object to seeing me.                                                

Coming to see me at my Chatham office? This office it is roomy and very comfortable, and easy for my clients with any social distancing rules. At the meoment I am only using my Chatham office and not Rainham.

Ok I'm interested, what will it cost to see you?

Our first appointment is very important.  I will question you gently and listen to you very carefully while taking an extensive case history. We will get to the heart of what you want and need from the therapy and what kind of therapy is going to be most effective and beneficial for you, whether it be a suggestion based therapy or a more analytical approach that is right for you.   One size never fits all and it is very important to get this right.

In essence what we will be creating is a road map to help you achieve your desired goals in the most efficient and effective way, tailor made for you.

On your first appointment you will be introduced to hypnosis and the whole process will be thoroughly explained, any questions you may have will be answered.

Usually, before we finish this session (unless there is a reason at this stage not to),  you will be guided into a wonderfully soothing and relaxed state of hypnosis where you will quickly realise there are no side effects except sheer relaxation. People usually wish this time lasted for a lot longer!

Session Prices

*Please note I always respond to emails and phone messages.  If you do not hear from me check your junk mail folder and if you still have no word from me please give me a ring 01634 420202

  • Each Standard Session:  £120 per session.  Based on a 50 minutes to 1 hour session. 
  • Sports Hypnosis:   £120 per session:  Usually sports hypnosis requires at least two or three sessions, lasting 50-60 minutes each.
  • Hypnotension Therapy:   £120 per session for the first 4 sessions. Usually begins with a 2-hour session (charged pro-rata). This therapy usually takes between 4-12 appointments.
  • Easy Quit Stop Smoking Therapy:   £325.  One appointment approx 90-120 minutes long.  NOTE: *a deposit of £150 is required to book this therapy, this is non-refundable if client fails to keep the booking*
  • Slim Via Hypnosis: £595  based on a 4 appointment program.  A very interesting and enjoyable way of working that covers cognitive, behavioural and subconscious processes.  Consists of one 90 minute session and three 1 hour sessions  
  • Hypno-Band Weight Loss System:   £525 complete 4 appointment course. The Leading Gastric Hypno-Band system. This is a complete program consisting of one 90-120 minute session and three 60 minute sessions. Included are recordings on MP3 and all literature. 
  • Aging-Unplugged:  £120 per session  A specialist programme that can cover as many sessions as you choose but 5 shoud be considered a minimum  
  • Psychosexual issues**  £120 per session.  I am a Psychosexual Specialist. The first session is usually 90 minutes long (charged pro-rata) and there-after 60 minutes although longer sessions may be useful. The course includes all literature. 
  • Working with Children: (age up to 16 years)  £110  each session last 45-60 minutes approx  
  • Couples Conselling:  £150  each session lasts 50-60 minutes.
  • BWRT Therapy level 1:  £120 per session.  A speedy modern therapy, using the lightening fast processes of the human brain.
  • BWRT level 2:   A course of 4 sessions for level 2 one 90 minute session and three 1 hour sessions £595 (payable in advance).

**Emotional factors sometimes at a subconscious level, can prevent someone from experiencing a happy and fulfilling sex life.  Helping a person to understand the origin of their sexual difficulty can be enormously liberating for them. Once the problem is understood things can change.  During these sessions, you will be treated with understanding and of course as in all other appointments you are assured of a comfortable, confidential, relaxed and friendly professional approach. 

Although I see many people close to my practices in Kent it seems when seeking help distance is often no object!  I frequently see people for hypnotherapy treatments from Surrey, Sussex, Essex and London as well as the Continent and from all over Kent. I have seen people for quit smoking therapy who have travelled from as far as Paris France, Germany and Sweden.  It may be advantageous to book a longer appointment if you are travelling from long distance.

Working together on Zoom :  If you are unable to get to one of the practices see me face to face, I am happy to work via Zoom. The NHS frequently use the telephone for CBT and it is a service I am able to offer. Please telephone or email to discuss this.  This means that no matter where you are in the world my help is still be available to you. 

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