Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
The benefits of stopping smoking are numerous. Using the successful Easy Quit Smoking Program, which received the Hypnotherapy Society's 1998 award for clinical excellence, in just one 90-120 minute session with Georgina you could become a non-smoker.
How to stop smoking
I've heard every excuse in the book for people continuing to smoke, probably used many of them myself at one time or another when I used to have the habit but quitting smoking was the best choice I ever made. My own experience of stopping is probably one of the best reasons that I can offer help to those who want to free themselves too and join me as a natural non-smoker.
The benefits of stopping smoking are numerous and it really only takes that one moment's decision to open up a possibility that could set you free for life
It should feel really great to know that you have made the decision to free yourself from a dirty, obnoxious and life threatening habit that was never a natural or necessary part of your life any way!
New Scientist magazine said "Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking" (Vol 136).
The highly successful Easy Quit Smoking Program that I use received the Hypnotherapy Society's 1998 award for clinical excellence. In just one 90-120 minute session you could become a non-smoker.
It really is never to late to quit smoking and the positive effect is almost immediate, much faster than you may imagine.
It really only does take a second to change your life and because the consequences of the terrible smoking habit can also affect those around you too, the lives of those who matter to you most will also benefit by you kicking the habit.
Concentrate on getting yourself the help you need, stop wasting your precious life... just contact me for an appointment, pick up the phone or email me today the details of how to do that are on the contact page.
Messages from Quit smoking clients: I just wanted to let you know it has been over a year since I came to you to stop smoking and I’m pleased to report I have done just that! I have never smoked again since that day.
Well I’m now a month into not smoking, my walking and breathing has improved and I feel generally healthier, I’m back at the gym and getting my fitness back. It’s amazing how quick the body heals and I love the fact I am free from a trap.