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Weight Loss with Slim Via Hypnosis

Slim Via Hypnosis

A dynamic weight loss program devised from a collaboration between Georgina McKinnon and Emma Evans.

Slim Via Hypnosis is a dream collaboration between two successful full time hypnotherapists. It has been developed after years of working individually with clients wanting to get their lives and their waistlines back in control.

SVH Practitioner Logo copy

Diets can be a notoriously unreliable way to lose weight unless you are also in the right frame of mind. Most people tell us they feel like they are repeated failures in the dieting game.

We understand that there are a lot of factors to getting  your weight under control.  It is very important to think not just about what you eat but also to begin making changes to lifestyle and negative thinking patterns too, so often negative faulty thinking can be a major cause of weight gain and the seeming inability to lose it.  

Slim Via Hypnosis has a great track record in our own practices, and we are now working with hypnotherapists world wide to train them in this method of weight control, hypnotherapists who are seeing great results. We know from years of experience that working with the power of your own mind is a great way of making it feel much easier to achieve positive change.

SVH is a new way of working with the power of your own mind to help you achieve what you really dream of achieving. During the SVH program you will begin to understand habits and the way you may have sabotaged yourself in the past. Learning what may have stopped you achieving your goals will make it easier to achieve them in the future.

Once new ways of thinking are established, with the added benefit of relaxing yet empowering hypnosis results are often nothing short of astonishing. The Slim Via Hpnosis program begins working right away to help you make the changes neccessary help you get to exactly where you want to be.

The SVH way of working allows for momentum to continue between sessions.  The program includes 4 relaxing recordings to enjoy at home between sessions, you will be supplied with plenty of infographcs and information to keep, and 4 magazines full of tips and information to take home. 

This program consists of 4 sessions, the first approximately 90 minutes long and subsiquent appointments last 1 hour each. 

Let’s work

Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Coach, Psychotherapy & Relationship Counselling in Kent

Hypnosis Kent

The Admirals offices, Chatham Historic Dockyard, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TZ
Best time to call is between 6 and 7 pm