I regularly see people suffering fears and phobias, many of them have suffered for years. It is a normal and necessary human reaction to be afraid or cautious of some things. However in the case of simple one off fears once the reason for the anxiety is out of the way, then things return to normal. When a fear becomes debilitating or overwhelming though, when even the thought of the feared object causes severe and instant distress, then things really need to be sorted out. If a fear is getting out of hand it can lead to severe panic and make life feel really difficult.
Many people do not even realise there is a difference between a fear and a phobia, but in fact phobias are far more pronounced than fears. Usually, the thing the individual is worried about in reality carry little or absolutely no real threat or danger. The affected individual realises beyond doubt that the dread is unwarranted and may have been told this over and again by everyone they speak to, yet they still feel unable to control it. People often finding themselves changing their life to accommodate the thing they dread; even perhaps missing wonderful opportunities because of it.
Some common phobias (with very complicated names) include, Acrophobia (fear of spiders), Trypanophobia (fear of injections or needles), Coulrophobia (fear of clowns), Acrophobia (fear of heights), Aviatophobia (fear of flying); but the list of phobias is long and can include virtually anything.
Fortunately, hypnotherapy can be extremely effective in helping people get over fears and phobias. I have had great success in helping clients of all ages with all kinds of phobias, offering them the chance for a drastic reduction or elimination of the fear and peace maybe for the first time in years. It is enormously satisfying to see the difference that can be made to peoples whole way of living once a fear or phobia is put in its place. If you are suffering as a result of a fear or phobia don't waste another minute there simply is no time like the present to get yourself and your life feeling much easier and back on track.
If you need help my details are on the contact page you can email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.