Chatham Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Practice
Chatham Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Practice Location
At my office situated in the heart of the historic dockyard Chatham, there is ample free parking. The Dockyard is within moments of the Medway Tunnel and on the Chatham/Gillingham boarders. This living museum is a the home of an amazing selection of Georgian buildings and is a beautiful location regularly used as a film set featured in many Hollywood films and TV programmes including most recently the 'call the midwife' episodes filmed here. A supremely, calm, comfortable and very private location.
The Admirals offices
Chatham Historic Dockyard
Chatham Hypnotherapy Treatments
Some of the things I frequently deal with include:
- Weight Loss
- Sports & Performance
- Stop smoking
- Hypertension
- Children's Issues
- Depression
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- BWRT - BrainWorking Recursive Therapy
- Relationship Counselling
- Other Treatments
- Easy Childbirth
- Anxiety and Stress
- Fears and Phobias
- Please Note: I always respond to emails and phone calls if you email and have not heard from me then check your junk mail and if still nothing from me then give me a ring on 01634 420202 (free to call).