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BWRT in Fast Phobia Relief

A recent article in the Daily Mail newspaper written by Jo Waters highlighted the work a colleague of mine has done with BWRT.  His client Alisa Youngman went to see him looking for help to overcome a long standing fear of birds. This is a fairly common phobia, and one in seven people in this country suffer from Ornithophobia...


The method used was BWRT® an amazingly fast therapy and this case has resulted in BWRT® getting the recognition it deserves. Created by Terence Watts a few years ago after almost a lifetime spent as a full time working hypnotherapist, educator, and author.  Terence is respected for his work world wide. Brain Working Recursive Therapy does not involve hypnosis it has a credible science base and is being taken seriously by psychologists and medical professionals both here in the UK and world wide. 

BWRT® is gaining many accolades from both clients and practitioners. I have been working with it since its inception and am a founding member, trainer, and practitioner.  In my own practice, BWRT® has proven a fast and effective way to treat clients and their astonishment is apparent when they realise the dramatic and often life changing effect of a session/s of BWRT®.

Astonishment and delight were probably emotions Alisa Youngman, 26, from Beverley, Yorkshire felt when she was able to visit St Mark’s Square in Venice and feed the flocks of pigeons there. What a massive step this was for a woman previously terrified of birds.

Using BWRT® In my own practice I have had first-hand experience of the way BWRT® rapidly can help clients.  I have had a young woman working in the beauty industry stop a life-time nail biting habit in just one session. People dealing with all kind of fears and phobias experiencing freedom, in some cases for the first time in years, one of my clients began to use lifts after over 15 years of refusing to do so, going from a jibbering wreck to confident a just two sessions.

I sincerely hope the good publicity will encourage more of you to investigate this therapy option so that you too can experience the benefits it offers. It is possible to work with clients using Skype so distance no object if you are interested BWRT.

It is a pleasure to be able to offer both Hypnotherapy and BWRT. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information.

 If you are interested in the classroom training we offer (but you need to be a qualified therapist or counsellor) visit for more information.

Read the Daily Mail article: by clicking the link below